Useful Resource: Clinical Chemistry Guide to Scientific Writing

Hello again, I’m (finally) working on my report on the Colloquium on Rethinking the Future of Scientific Communication (is it May already?), and I remembered that one of the organizers, Nader Rifai, had recommended this great series of articles on scientific writing published by the journal Clinical Chemistry, of which he is editor in chief. So, before I forget, here is the link:

ClinChem Guide to Scientific Writing

By the way, as neuroscientists you may or not be familiar with Clinical Chemistry, but if you are interested in open science and new publication models, Dr. Rifai might be a good person to pay attention to. As the other organizers put it (approximately) over drinks the night before the colloquium, if you want to know how journals should be evolving over the next 5 years, just look at what Nader was doing last year.

That’s all I have for now, but stay tuned for more activity soon!
